Informace o BIC International Conference

6. 3. 2025

Česká hematologická společnost obdržela dopis s informací o nadcházejícím sjezdu BIC International Conference, který se bude konat 12. – 14. 9. 2025 v Itálii a bude zaměřen převážně na problematiku vědeckého i klinického výzkumu v oblati dědičných poruch srážlivosti, von Willebrandovy choroby, genové terapie a trombotických mikroangiopatií.

Více informací naleznete v přiloženém dopise:

Dear Colleagues of the Czech Society of Hematology,

I hope this mail finds you well. In September 2025, we are going to organise the 13th edition of the BIC International Conference. The BIC Conference, that has been organized for many years by the leading staff of the Angelo Bianchi Bonomi Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center in Milan, has gained a reputation among the scientists and clinicians interested in haemostasis and inherited bleeding disorders. The Chairs are Prof. PM Mannucci and Prof. F Peyvandi. This time, the main themes will deal with both the haemophilias and von Willebrand disease. In the last decade and particularly in the last few years there have been spectacular advances in this field, stemming from basic science that led to translation implications pertaining the treatment of patients. With this background, a blend of new discoveries in both basic and clinical science will be featured by the invited speakers, chosen by the International Scientific Committee among those scientists that are committing to present new data as yet unpublished and discuss them with their peers. The meeting is going to take place in Padua – Italy, 12-14 September 2025. Further details can be checked out on our website. As we are currently focusing and promoting to international experts in the narrow field of coagulation and hemophilias, I would like to ask you the possibility to publish a BIC free announcement or banner or include our event in your online calendar. As a further option, we are also available to set up any kind of promotional exchanges. Thanking you in advance for your kind co-operation, please, do not hesitate to contact us for any further information you may need.

Yours Sincerely, Daniele Fascendini BIC Organising Secretariat SMC

media Srl Via Giovenale, 7 • Milano 20136 • Italy T. +39 02 83419430

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